2 June 2018

BATTLE OF THE DUPES #1: Barry M vs. Sinful Colors

For the month of June I plan to do blog posts every Saturday finding dupes for either expensive or limited edition products. Now when I test out products such as todays post I do half and half, I don't apply one nail polish on one hand and the other is the other polish what I do is alternate nails starting with Barry M then Sinful Colors then Barry M then Sinful Colors (I do it alphabetical).
Before applying the nail polishes I prepped my nails with my favourite base coat which is Ciaté Nail Super Hero.

The Sinful Colors was easier to apply but thin compared to the Barry M.
The Barry M has had it's final coat, it is now a solid colour.
I had to put a third coat onto the nails with Sinful Colors because it wasn't a solid colour, it was slightly patchy.
I always apply another favourite of mine, my Barry M Sunset Daylight Curing Topcoat which sets my nail polishes no matter what brand. What I did do was leave the nail polish colours on for about 15 minutes to see which one dries the quickest or sets better before applying the topcoat.
DAY #4: My nail polish started peeling on majority of the Sinful Colors nails whereas the Barry M nails slightly chipped which I started picking, I prefer when they peel off completely as one.

DAY #5: I removed the rest of the polish and noticed the condition of my nails on the Barry M fingers wasn't as good, the nails were slightly shredded.

Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint in Dragon Fruit
Purchased from: Boots
Price: £3.99

Sinful Colors Nail Colour in Cotton Candy
Purchased from: Superdrug (they don't sell it anymore)
Price: £2.00

Least layers applied: Barry M
Dries quickest: Sinful Colors
Best applicator: Sinful Colors
Nicest to apply: Both
Lasts longest: Barry M
Looks the best longest: Both
These are definitely dupes of one another, bright pink like the nail polish Emoji but with a subtle hint of shimmer or glitter, they are spot on, both glossy but one last longer than the other only by a day. If you can get your hands on either polishes then I suggest you purchase them or one.​

Is it a dupe: YES

Date Tried: Saturday 5th May 2018

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