3 July 2019

Father's Day Treat 2019

Life is too short and I want to spend more quality time with the people I love.
I thought I would share one of the best days of my year so far.
What do you get for Father's Day?
A pair of socks?
A tie?
I thought I would spend quality time with my dad but what should I do?
I decided to look at what we both love James Bond and Aston Martins, so I am currently living in Yorkshire and the rest of the family still live in Leicester so I came down for a long weekend and surprised him with Everyman Racing Aston Martins.

On the day
We got to the site and signed the health and safety forms then went got a coffee then sat in a mobile listening to some guy talking about the track and the cars, other people were there racing other vehicles too.
We then got into a Skoda with a member of staff driving us around the track showing us where we have to brake, where to go and bits then it was our turn to drive an Aston Martin.
I went first, now I don't have a full drivers license only provisional, if you are interested in this sort of thing all you have to do is make sure they are aware of it. I was bricking it because I haven't driven in 3 years and kept thinking I would stall the car or break it. I got in and love it, doing two laps, my second lap was better than my first because I got more confident. Dad has his go and he came back with the biggest grin on his face.
We then got put into a vamped up Vauxhall that was driven by a member of staff at full speed round the track twice. Hot lap! I loved it.
This experience has made me more determined to pass my driving test and save up, one day I will own my own Aston Martin, I won't be a speed demon but the power I felt driving was amazing.
On the way home we stopped off at Costco and had a bite to eat as well as fill Dad's car up with fuel.

Check out: www.everymanracing.co.uk - this isn't sponsored or gifted, I paid for it with my own money.

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