8 September 2018

REVIEW: Nu Colour® Lip Plumping Balm

Have you seen all the social media posts about this magical lip balm that plumps your lips? Well they cover my social media wall so thought I would try it out myself because I have wanted lip injections for a while so if this works I can save a lot of money and also not get any painful injections.
  • Get plumped lips with the lightweight and moisturising balm.
My lips aren't the best and I always seem to have dry lips and they could be plumped and I also have fine lines that means I can't wear MAC lipstick in Creme Cup because it shows off those lines.
I had seen all of these posts where girls applied it to half their lips to show what happens and you can see the difference so I tried it and 15 minutes afterwards I took a photo, my lips on the side I applied the lip balm look slightly smaller - odd. I also noticed when I applied it to my lips there was a weird sensation to my lips, it doesn't sting like most plumping lip products do but I don't know how to describe it.
After applying the lip balm a few times on day 1 I haven't noticed any difference in my lips, they don't look or feel any more moisturised.
DAY #7: my lips don't look any bigger but they definitely in a better condition, the fine lines in my lips have decreased and my lips are very moisturised.
DAY #14: I don't see any differences in my lips to be honest.
DAY #21: I still don't see any difference except my lips are more softer and the fine lines are looking better.
DAY #28: I still haven't noticed any growth or plumpness in my lips, the fine lines aren't as defined so that is a positive.

Overall I like this as a lip balm but would I purchase it again - no, I have better lip balms that are cheaper. My fine lines aren't as bad as they used to be and I can actually wear MAC Lipstick in Creme Cup now that my lines aren't as bad but my lips aren't plumped and I know everyone is different, this may work for others but it didn't for me.

Where You Can Purchase: NuSkin
Price: £23.24
Star Rating: 1/5
Date Tried: Thursday 14th June 2018

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