9 February 2019

REVIEW: The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution

The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is a 10 minute exfoliating facial.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) exfoliate the skin's topmost surface for a brighter and more even appearance. 
  • Beta hydroxy acids (BHA) also exfoliate the skin with an extended function to help clear pore congestion. 
  • This combined 32% AHA/BHA solution offers deeper exfoliation to help fight visible blemishes and for improved skin radiance. 
  • Formula improves the appearance of skin texture and reduces the look of fine lines with continued use. 
  1. Use ideally in the PM, no more frequently than twice per week. 
  2. Clean face and wait for skin to dry. 
  3. Do not use on wet skin. 
  4. Apply evenly across face and neck using your fingertips. 
  5. Leave on for no more than 10 minutes. 
  6. Rinse with lukewarm water. 
  7. Do not leave on for longer than 10 minutes. 
Just before I start, I apologise for the poor quality pictures I have been using a mix of Canon 1100d as well as my phone plus the lighting is terrible in some pictures.

My skin is really dull, large pores, fine lines and bumpy skin so with the claims of this product hopefully I will have goddess like skin.

Week #1.1
I am suffering with a breakout on my jawline, forehead as well as a few spots on my cheeks that haven't come through fully plus really red skin and textured skin.
It tingles which I always feel like that sort of feeling means something is happening in a good way.
The lighting isn't as good but trust me when I say that my face was red once I removed the product but once that subsided my spots that were under the skin have come through properly, the rough texture to my skin has improved and my skin was very soft once I removed it.

Date: Monday 24th December 2018

Week #1.2
Today my skin is very dull but red at the same time.
My skin burnt slightly but it wasn't unbearable so I kept it on.
I have a bit of a glow to my skin which is always wanted.

Date: Sunday 30th December 2018

Week #2.1
I got given my own bottle of this for Christmas from my parents so no more stealing my sisters.
Sometimes this product really does tingle and hurt but I battle on.
It hasn't got rid of my dark under eyes which it doesn't claim to but my skin is more glowy.

Date: Wednesday 2nd January 2019

Week #2.2
I didn't take photos - forgot to but my skin is still textured.

Slight tingle when I applied it.

My skin is glowing after I took this off.

Date: Sunday 6th January 2019

Week #3.1
Above where my imaginary monobrow is I have got quite a bit of texture that is not wanted.
You can probably tell by my really startled eyes that it is quite painful today, I don't know why but I kept it on for the full time.
The texture above my imaginary monobrow has gone down slightly.

Date: Wednesday 9th January 2019

Week #3.2
Another occasion when I forgot to take photos but I have had quite a bad out break on my forehead and also chin.

When I applied it it was really painful where there were spots and even more pain in the spots were opened wounds (yes I popped a few spots).

The spots aren't as angrily red when I removed the product.

Date: Sunday 13th January 2019

Week #4.1
It is that time of the month so I have a few spots already on show but there are a few underneath that haven't popped through.
I have had a few hormonal spots and this stuff burns those spots.
My skin feels clearer and the spots have gone down and the ones underneath the skin have gone down too.

Date: Wednesday 16th January 2019

Week #4.2
Still a few spots and very dull skin and tired skin.
Still painful but I think I am getting used to it.
My skin looks clearer.

Date: Sunday 20th January 2019

Overall my face has improved, my skin is looking brighter, my pore look slightly better but not a huge difference, the blemishes have decreased and texture improved BUT the fine lines haven't improved. I have kept on using it as a weekly thing but only once a week.

Purchased from: ASOS
Price: £6.25
Star Rating: 4/5

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