20 March 2020

REVIEW: Barry M Lip Rehab Nourishing Lip Mask

Barry M has a new lip mask that I thought I would try out.
  • Avocado oil to help soothe and heal chapped lips
  • Hemp seed oil to treat dryness
  • Vitamin E to protect and prevent UV damage
  1. Apply generously to lips throughout the day as desired. 
  2. Ideal for use in cold weather, before makeup application, on a flight or as an overnight treatment. 

I have decided to use it every day, first thing in the morning and just before I go bed but only document it once a week otherwise this blog post will go on forever.

Day #1
My lips are so cracked and really battered and ruined.
AM: I applied the lip mask and love it, my lips feel so good, I wear lipstick quite often and because it says you can use it before makeup application I thought I would see how lipstick is applied over the top. I applied NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Canne.
PM: My lips look so much better since applying this lip mask even after day 1 of using this lip mask.

Day #7
AM: I have a bad habit, I pick at my lip but I applied some lip balm to help with the chapped lips.
PM: You can see they aren't as chapped.

Day #14
PM: My lips feel so good, we have had some really cold weather recently so my lips normally would have got really sore but they aren't.

Day #21
AM: I applied to my lips before doing my makeup.
PM: Look how soft my lips look.

Day #28
AM: I haven't applied it yet but will just before I apply my lipstick but look how amazing my lips look.

I love this product so much and still continue using this, I did this review as a months trial and after the month continued, I suffer with really dry lips and there is only one lip balm (Malin+Goetz) that helps with it other just masks the look but doesn't help but this is a life saver

Purchased From: Barry M
Price: £4.99
Star Rating: 5/5

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